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You don't take a photograph, you make it! ~Ansel Adams

Are you ready for a fun  adventure with your furbaby.  


 I believe a photo session should be more than taking snapshots of your floofy friend.  You and your bestie has a story to tell and we aim to capture and celebrate it!

A $149 non-refundable deposit is required to book your photo session and you will be provided with 3 professionally edited digital images OR it is applied to your total final invoice.

I ALWAYS guarantee my work.

What to Expect:


CONSULTATION: This is where we get to know you and your bestie's story.  This is normally done in person and gives me the opportunity to meet your best friend BEFORE the photo session which helps put them at ease on our session day.  We will also discuss the type of adventure you are interested in.  I offer park, hiking, beach and urban adventures. If you plan to be in the photo (which we really hope you consider), this is where we can discuss hair, makeup and wardrobe.  In addition, we will discuss where you plan to hang your artwork and what size, finishes etc will be best.


PHOTO SESSION: On average these run around 1 hour but dogs can be unpredictable so I never book more than 1 shoot per day to ensure it gives us enough time to capture the best images possible.  If your bestie is not in the mood that day or the weather is crap and we are not getting the images we hoped....don't worry, I'm always happy to reschedule as their comfort level and quality of the final images is my utmost importance.   This photo session is fully guided, so you don't have to worry about a thing.  I will guide you and your dog into poses and you both just get to have fun.

REVEAL: This is where the magic happens!  You have the opportunity to view your beautiful images and select which images you would like for your wall art and/or album to remember your special adventure together.  I will be with you every step of the way and I have a number of tools to help you select the best optio


My heirloom packages start at $999 and go up from there.  I also offer a la cart options.  Click below for more info or to book. 

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